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Job-Hogger: While The Majority Of Her Coworkers Got Laid Off, This Digital Media Employee Is Currently Taking On 4 Jobs’ Worth Of Work

Finding steady employment in digital media is harder than it’s ever been. That’s why it’s so infuriating to see a job-hogger like this, shamelessly hogging so many coveted jobs: While the majority of her coworkers got laid off, this digital media employee is currently taking on four jobs’ worth of work.  

Unreal. How much job will be enough for you, job-hogger? We’re genuinely wondering!

Though Joanna Klinghoffer is only being paid a single salary, and holds “editorial assistant” as her sole job title, that hasn’t stopped this job-glutton from gobbling up all the work that belonged to several of her coworkers before they were laid off over email last month. The very day after the layoffs, Ms. Hog-For-Jobs-Joanna took on every responsibility vacated by her company’s staff cuts, incorporating dozens of new additional tasks—most of which fall outside her job title entirely—into her daily workload, even though she’s fully aware that she will never, ever be compensated for them. Despite the fact that her workday is now 12 hours on average, and that taking a single day off is no longer possible without bringing editorial’s workflow to a grinding halt, Joanna’s appetite for job remains so insatiable that she devotes most of her weekends to working just to get it all done. 

Seriously, it’s almost like this job-hogger gets off on eye strain and carpal tunnel. Maybe try saving a little job for the rest of us, mkay?

Don’t let Joanna’s bottom-ranking position on her staff’s payroll fool you: She’s hogging more job than any human being could possibly want or need. Considering that the entire digital media industry has entered its death throes, and her company’s odds of making it through the year without shutting down are growing slimmer every day, you really have to wonder what Joanna’s end goal is here…

Hey, Joanna: Google “parables about greed”—you might learn something! Asshole.