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LOL, Good Luck With That: This Writer Believes The $2.5 Trillion Dollar Media And Entertainment Industry Can Somehow Find The Money To Pay Her A Lower-Middle-Class Wage

If you’re looking to bust a gut and cry-laugh until you can barely breathe, you’re going to want to check this out: This writer believes that the $2.5 trillion dollar media and entertainment industry can somehow find the money to pay her a lower-middle class wage. 

LOL! If comedy writing isn’t her specialty, it should be, because this is the funniest thing we’ve ever heard. 

Twenty-seven-year-old unemployed writer Serena Bullen is truly hilarious. She honestly believes that one day soon she’ll be able to support a modest lifestyle doing what she loves: writing and being creative. She’s built up a whole fantasy world in her head where she thinks that just because she’s excelled in her studies, built a solid following for her creative output online, and beat out hundreds of well-qualified candidates for desirable internships in the entertainment field, she should be able to earn enough as a writer to be able to afford half the rent at one of the smallest apartments in East Hollywood. As if!

Sorry, sweetie, but if you think that the entertainment industry has enough money left over after paying the showrunners of shows on streaming services you’ve never heard of eight figures and flying their CEOs around in private jets to provide you with the kind of salary you’d need to buy a sweater on sale at Madewell without having to put it on a credit card or split a fancy ramen bowl with your roommate every now and then, you’re sadly mistaken. You see, the entertainment industry is filled with thousands of people who actually deserve to get paid an assload of money for reasons that are somewhat unclear, but still very real. Executives, investors, celebrities who are already neck-deep in cash…they all need to support a lifestyle that they could in no way afford without working in the entertainment industry, whereas a writer like you could very easily make the modest living you desire by becoming a bank teller or opening a vape juice store or something. 

Sorry, Serena. You may be a great writer, but your understanding of economics could use a little work. 

As funny as this is, it’s also a little sad that there are still people out there who think that just because company makes billions of dollars a year putting out TV content, it means they can actually afford to pay people money to create that TV content. We’re not claiming to understand how the math works out either, but someone as smart and talented as Serena should at least have a basic understanding of how the reality of the entertainment industry works. 

Don’t worry, Serena, we’re sure there’s a radio station back in Idaho hiring a marketing manager that could use your skills. Thanks for the laugh!