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So Cool! Parker Brothers Has Announced That ‘Don’t Wake Daddy’ Is Just As Much A Portal To The Undead As Ouija Boards

One of our favorite childhood board games just got even cooler, because its creators have revealed that it contains an amazing feature we never even knew about: Parker Brothers has announced that ‘Don’t Wake Daddy’ is just as much a portal to the undead as Ouija boards.

This seriously the most amazing thing we’ve ever heard! This adds a whole new layer of depth to an already incredible game!

The Ouija board has long been an iconic symbol of the occult, but according to a fascinating announcement from Parker Brothers today, the game ‘Don’t Wake Daddy’ is and has always been just as powerful a tool for conveying messages from the spirit world to our own mortal realm. The announcement explains how almost every aspect of the game, from the turn spinner right down to Daddy’s alarm clock, is attuned to allow for direct manipulation by ghosts and all manner of other non-corporeal entities hiding just beyond the veil. And while there are only enough mover pieces for 4 human participants to play, there’s apparently no limit to the number of drowned Victorian children and hanged frontier outlaws that can haunt your game from the Great Beyond.

It’s wonderful to realize we’ve been communing with the dead this whole time and didn’t even realize it!

“Our fans know that ‘Don’t Wake Daddy’ is a great game for kids as young as 3, but we wanted to make sure people are also aware that it’s just as capable of reaching wandering specters who died as far back as the Roman Empire,” said Parker Brothers founder George Swinnerton Parker, whose 1952 death did not stop him from making the announcement personally via a copy of ‘Don’t Wake Daddy’ as a demonstration of the game’s supernatural properties. “Of course Ouija boards are certainly a terrific means of channeling spirits in their own right, but the next time you wish to pierce the fragile membrane separating the worlds of the living and the dead, try taking ‘Don’t Wake Daddy’ for a spin and see for yourself how well it works!”

Wow, this is seriously awesome news. It might not be long before you attend a séance with a game of ‘Don’t Wake Daddy’ laid out on a table lit by a single candle, waiting with heart-pounding anticipation to see whether the restless shade of a Renaissance-era alchemist will let you make it to the refrigerator unscathed or force you to make 4 agonizing presses of Daddy’s alarm clock for having noisily knocked over a bowl of fresh fruit. We can’t wait to dust off our old copy of ‘Don’t Wake Daddy’ later tonight and make contact with forces beyond mortal reckoning!