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Spoiled Brat: This Rich Little Girl Is Throwing A Tantrum Just Because The Pony Her Dad Bought For Her Birthday Doesn’t Have Legs

If you need any more proof that kids who grow up with too much wealth turn into over-privileged brats, look no further than the debacle unfolding Sandy Springs, Georgia: This rich little girl is throwing a tantrum just because the pony her dad bought for her birthday doesn’t have legs. 

Yikes, this girl’s sense of entitlement is utterly delusional! Talk about spoiled rotten!

When Clarissa Boyd’s parents showed her the legless pony they’d bought as a present for her tenth birthday, they probably thought they were about to make their daughter the happiest little girl in the world. Little did they know, their generous gift simply wasn’t good enough for Clarissa, who not only refused to say thank you, but also hysterically wept upon seeing the animal, screaming about how she had “specifically wanted” a pony with four legs rather than zero. While any other kid would have been over the moon to receive a pony for their birthday whether it had legs or not, Clarissa is so accustomed to getting everything she wants that she chose to stomp her feet and cry over how her special gift resembled a walrus more than the horse she had requested. 

“It’s the wrong amount of legs, daddy!” Clarissa whined and pouted as her father begged her to at least sit on the pony before deciding she didn’t like it. This selfish princess then went on to demand a brand new pony that could do more than just “roll around like a big stupid tube”, before accusing her parents of ruining her birthday and storming off to her room to sulk like the nasty little terror she is. 

What a piece of work! This is as ungrateful as a kid can get!

If we’re being totally honest, Clarissa is making a strong case for bringing back spanking. Hopefully the Boyds teach their daughter a lesson and give this legless pony to some other little girl who will appreciate it, because Clarissa has absolutely no idea how lucky she is!