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Incredible News! The Little Man Beckons Us Forth!

Wonderful news, everyone! Do you not see? Look! The bustling thoroughfare we were just moments ago forbidden from crossing may now be traversed, as the Little Man has beckoned us forth!

Huzzah! The merciful white sentinel has granted us a safe path, and traffic must now bow to us as kings. 

It was but two minutes fore that we first approached this intersection seeking passage to yon Dunkin Donuts, only to be halted by the Fearsome Hand, a glowing, disembodied appendage with godlike authority over traffic both pedestrian and motored. 

The Fearsome Hand

To defy the Fearsome Hand would mean certain death, as beyond his impasse rumbled an endless cavalcade of auto-cars, barreling by with such terrible speed as to obliterate any poor wandering soul into a great cloud of blood and chunks. All hope of reaching our destination seemed lost. But then, just as we were readying to turn back and retreat in shame, a savior arrived in the form of a faceless white fellow. It was the Little Man!

From where he came, we do not know, but our hearts were immediately gladdened by the sight of this luminous angel, this kindly warden posed mid-stride in a daffy strut, almost as if to say, “Go on, weary traveler. Walk with me. Tread freely through this bustling frontier, for I, as Moses, will part your way.” And, like moths to a flame, we were drawn towards the Little Man’s heavenly light, marching forth across the road without fear, for we knew our pale hero was watching over us and keeping all the auto-cars at bay so as to spare us from their terrible violence. 

We are so grateful for this sweet Little Man! He has vanquished the Fearsome Hand with his mere presence, and, because of this, we may now continue our travels to Dunkin Donuts, where we shall acquire some Munchkins or perhaps a sausage and cheese croissant. 
