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Lucky To Be Alive: 10 Years Of Harrison Ford

In honor of ClickHole’s 10th anniversary, we have compiled some of our most viral content from years past. Here are a few of our articles about times when beloved actor Harrison Ford narrowly escaped death.

Lucky To Be Alive: Harrison Ford Got His Sleeve Caught In His Computer’s Floppy Disk Drive And Was Sucked Into Cyberspace


Lucky To Be Alive: Harrison Ford Is In The Hospital After Kissing A Lady That Turned Out To Be A Stack Of Dynamite In A Dress


Lucky To Be Alive: Harrison Ford Went Skydiving And His Parachute Turned Out To Be An Anchor


Lucky To Be Alive: Harrison Ford Ate A Chili Pepper So Hot His Head Turned Into A Nuclear Explosion


Lucky To Be Alive: Harrison Ford Had To Be Rescued After Being Compacted Into A Cube On A Factory Conveyor Belt


Lucky To Be Alive: Harrison Ford Had To Be Rescued This Morning After Getting Stuck Inside The Gears Of Big Ben


Lucky To Be Alive: Harrison Ford Is Recovering After A Giant Pencil Erased His Face


Lucky To Be Alive: Harrison Ford Got Chased By A Lovestruck Loch Ness Monster After Green Paint Spilled On Him