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10 Years Of ClickHole: Looking Back At 2018

In honor of ClickHole’s 10th anniversary, we have compiled some of our most viral content from years past. Please enjoy our best posts of 2018!


Holy Fucking Shit: Fargas The Foreign-Exchange Student Just Cracked His Head Open In Gym Class And Is Shrieking Like A Motherfucker


Probably Bullshit But Still A Little Scary: Ethan Is Claiming That His Super Soaker Is Filled With Pee


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


My Grandfather Came To This Country With Nothing But His Juicy Couture Sweatpants And The Perfect Ass To Fill Those Things Out


Absolutely Amazing: Biblical Scholars Have Discovered That Christ’s Eyes Were Much Lower Down On His Face Than Previously Believed


Coming Clean: Juicy Fruit Has Announced That The White Dust On Their Sticks Of Gum Is Regular-Ass Dust, And If That’s A Deal Breaker For You, They Understand


Atheists Rejoice: Stephen Hawking’s Ghost Just Confirmed That God Doesn’t Exist, Though There’s A Huge Mean Horse In Heaven Who Pretty Much Acts Like God That Everyone Obeys Out Of Fear

(Photo by Bruno Vincent/Getty Images)

Better Late Than Never: Buzz Aldrin Has Announced That He Forgot To Tell Anyone He Saw A Fox On The Moon


Sexier Than Ever: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Is Looking Amazing After Murdering His Uncle And Stealing His Wig


Olivia Wilde Is Pretty. Prettier Than Me 🙁