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A Powerful Message: The Model On The Package For These Adult Diapers Is Insanely Hot

Incontinence is a fact of life. While it’s often a source of shame, it can happen to anyone, not just the elderly and infirm, and that’s exactly why one hygiene product brand has decided to send this powerful message to consumers: The model on the package for these adult diapers is insanely hot. 

What a beautiful way to change the narrative about the kind of adults who wear diapers!

The packaging design for these Depend brand diapers is making an incredibly bold statement by featuring a male model with a physique like a Greek statue and a bulge straight out of a Playgirl centerfold. This perfect 10 with chiseled cum gutters leading your eyes down to the diaper he’s proudly posing in isn’t the type of person who typically comes to mind when you think of a grown man lacking bowel control—but now, hopefully, he will be, thanks to Depend’s beautiful decision to put a distractingly handsome dreamboat in a diaper.

“We hate for consumers to feel embarrassed about having adult diapers in their shopping carts— we’d rather they feel a little turned on,” explained a spokesperson for Depend’s product design team, who hopes that by putting an abnormally attractive hunk in a diaper, they can help the public start associating adult diaper-wearers with drool-worthy hunks rather than the ill and senile. “Your inability to restrain fecal or urine evacuations should have zero correlation with your status as a sex object. We dare anyone who thinks otherwise to look at the model on our latest packaging.” 

Wow. What an amazing confidence boost Depend is giving to their customers. 

If the brand’s hopes pay off, buying adult diapers may soon feel as cool as buying Magnum condoms. Yup, this is the power of positive marketing for you! Good on you, Depend!