Though it’s obviously not Biden and Trump’s first time debating one another, their 2024 matchup is turning out to be far more unpredictable than 2020’s: A much smaller version of Donald Trump is holding Trump’s hand on the debate stage and keeps raising his hand to speak but no one is acknowledging him at all.
This is absolutely fascinating. It seems like no one at the debate either knows or cares that there’s a 60% smaller version of Trump standing right in front of them!
Keen-eyed viewers currently tuned into CNN’s debate broadcast will notice a miniature duplicate of Donald Trump standing hand in hand with Trump at his podium. The unexplained presence of this 2’8” tall Trump is only becoming stranger by the minute, as the smaller Trump continues to raise his hand throughout the debate, even during questions asked to Biden specifically, and has yet to be acknowledged by the president, the CNN moderators, or even Trump himself. The little Trump hasn’t even been a featured presence in CNN’s camera angles, aside from one long zoom in on his tiny face as he raised his hand to answer a question concerning the U.S.-China trade war. For the most part, this scaled-down Trump has only been visible in extreme wide shots or barely peeking up from the bottom of the frame in normal Trump’s close-ups.
You might think that Trump taking the stage with a child-sized version of himself would be disruptive, but the little Trump hasn’t interfered with the debate proceedings whatsoever so far. He’s been completely silent and expressionless, and his hand-raising doesn’t even seem to register for anyone in the building. It’s honestly easy to forget he’s there after a few minutes of watching!
You really have to wonder what this is all about, because CNN is offering no answers as to why this little Trump is present! Did normal Trump bring little him to intimidate Biden? Is everyone ignoring little Trump, or do they not even realize he’s there? Does little Trump want to participate in the discussion or is he simply raising his hand to go to the bathroom? Is little Trump normal Trump’s vice president?! We have SO many questions right now.
Let’s pray that Jake Tapper or Dana Bash eventually let little Trump speak, because it’s impossible to pay attention to what either Biden or Trump is saying with little Trump piquing our curiosity!