It’s always fascinating to watch artists reinvent themselves, but this performer may have just had one of the boldest personal transformations that pop culture has seen yet: The Entertainer Formerly Known As Cedric has changed his name to the Bluetooth symbol.
Wow. This is definitely an incredible step in the artistic evolution of The Entertainer Formerly Known As Cedric.
In a press release earlier this morning, The Entertainer Formerly Known As Cedric’s publicist announced that her client has legally changed his name to the Bluetooth corporate trademark and respectfully asks to be referred to as such in print journalism, personal appearances, and on-screen credits.
Ladies and gentleman, Cedric The Entertainer is no more. Now Cedric The Entertainer’s name is this:

The bold name change comes from The Entertainer Formerly Known As Cedric’s desire to make an explicit distinction between his past body of work and this completely new era performing under the moniker of the Bluetooth symbol, an abstract emblem which he believes to embody the “mysterious and cosmic comedy that has long been a signature component of [his] public persona.”
Simply incredible. This is a performer who trusts his creative instincts, no matter the risk. Congratulations to The Entertainer Formerly Known As Cedric on his new name, and kudos to him for not being afraid to take this bold artistic risk!