When it’s RIGHT NOW, you know it’s time to for ClickHole’s SPONSORED LIST OF 6 CLOGS #CLOGSforCASH branded #BIGMONEYDEAL for PAID list of CLOG THE SHOE native advertising for CLOGS on ClickHOLE #CashHole #ClogHole.
1. It’s CLOG NUMBER ONE #LePremierClog ***PAID*** Clog CONTENT (content for cash) on ClickHole (rich website) #SponClog #ClickHoleGoneClog #advertising #JUSTGETTINGSTARTED #theresFIVEmoreclogs #MayTheBestClogWin

2. LOOK AT THAT CLOG, baby, and CLICK ON THAT CLOG, baby! $3 million BUSINESS DEAL for PAID PICS of clogs and words of clogs on the WEBSITE for #MONEY! It’s CLOG BUCKS in the BANK (the bank where we store all the money that we get from the sponsored LIST OF THE CLOGS) #DamnDaniel #DAMNDANIEL #DamnClog

3. Clog Numero 3 (the Third clog) Presented By Budweiser Presented By KFC And GUESS WHAT Budweiser And KFC and Subaru Teamed up with CLICKHOLE (cash site) to bring you CLOG #3 FOR MONEY (for ClickHole) you’re gonna love these CLOGS #What’sYourClogStory #TweetYourClogStoryOnFacebook #SnapChatYourClogOnHulu #RelinquishYourClogOnNetflix #SPONSOREDbyHULUonNetflix #HowDoYouHulu #ImLovinIt(Neflix)?

4. GOOD LIST of clogs NORMAL GOOD CONTENT LIST just have CASH (£) for it this time unlike NON-SPONSORED CONTENT (#CharityContent #ContentOfThePoor #worthless-non-clog-non-paid-content #unfathomable) SPONSORED clog list SAME GOOD FREE CLOG but now with BRAND CASH for the HOLE (the Hole gets RICH from the expensive list of clogs)

5. Welcome to the Clog Bog presented by ISIS paid content for ISIS #ISISpaysTHEbills #AllMoneyGoodMoney #GodBlessTheClogBog ClickHole and ISIS working together to bring you The Ultimate Clog Bog Experience™ #ItsVR #ClogBogPaidForOurBathroom #BrandedContentWithISIS #TwoSidesToEveryStory #ThankYouISIS

6. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s BIG DADDY SIX, the 6th and FINAL Clog (cash clog) END OF THE ROAD (the cash ran out) (end of the flight) (every deal must come to an end) (we spent the clog cash on a Lamborghini) (the Lamborghini caught on fire) #OPEN4BUSINESS #WhoWantsToSponSomeCon #EndOfTheClog #PoorHole #FML

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post was sponsored by clogs, but clogs had no input or influence over the content of the list. ClickHole remains steadfast in its commitment to editorial integrity.