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10 Years Of ClickHole: Looking Back At 2017

In honor of ClickHole’s 10th anniversary, we have compiled some of our most viral content from years past. Please enjoy our best posts of 2017!

A Historic Milestone: Donald Trump Just Became The First President To Place His Entire Face On The Bible During The Oath Of Office


Heartwarming: When Steven Tyler Found Out There Was An Aerosmith Fan With Only 2 Weeks To Live, He Suggested A Bunch Of Better Bands She Should Check Out


Noble Cause: This Inspiring Nonprofit Sends People Into The Amazon Rainforest To Teach Indigenous Tribes Who Super Mario Is


Big Relief: This Guy Who Got Drunk And Harassed A Woman Last Night Isn’t Usually Like That


The Mystery Lives On: Scientists Have Concluded That They Will Never Know If Salsa Is Kind Of Good For You Or Kind Of Bad For You


Misuse Of Funds: Wikipedia Just Admitted It Spent All $77 Million In User Donations Decking Out The Entry For Mayonnaise


Incredible: An Artist Used Predictive Software To Depict What Prince Would Look Like If He Were Alive Today!


Heartwarming: Natalie Portman Just Announced That She Hopes All Sick Kids Get Better


I Used To Be Pro-Obamacare. Then It Saved My Shitty Life.


As An ICE Agent, The Best Part Of My Job Is Getting To Work With Children