It’s just uncanny!
1. Gerard Elan

Separated at birth? Gerard and his terrier Farley are pretty much identical!
2. Tim Evans

The only thing distinguishing Tim from his cat Chester is a little bit of fur!
3. Heather Brixton

When Heather and Bailey go jogging together, good luck telling who’s leading who.
4. Ayelet Fischer

Okay, this one is seriously eerie…
5. Lou Griggs

Ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog. Or two!
6. Lauren Burdock

Lauren and her iguana Charles have pretty much grown into the spitting image of each other over the nine years they’ve been best buds.
7. Helen Pierce

For Helen, looking at her dog Oats must be like looking in a little furry mirror.
8. Taylor Vernon

Taylor and Buster: a match made in heaven.
9. Ed Pataki

Seeing is believing!