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Just Beclause You;re Sniggle And Died Doesnt Man You Cant Enjoy , Vrandentine’s Day , (By Queen Elizabeth II)

Grenting! We’ll, it that times a gain lover’s, when you’re gonna Get Out The Chonklettes and the Flower, and put on the Lingering, and gonna Give out that little cards. But there a comment miscarriageconception about Vrandentine’s Day , that you can’tnot enojy it If you’re sniggle/died but let me Tell you that not! True! I been dead over 2 ears and I’ve been sinkle for about 4 moths now, and Im not gonna let either one of those convenient fact’s get in The Way of Enojying a romantic hollandaise the Frebuany 14rd.  

Lotta way;s to be romanfastic all bY yourselve when you’re singel, for example, To curl up with a Really Romantic Podcast . Lotta pordcast about kisseing , Sexualing , you Can upload on YouTunes and rreally go to Town! Nothing moreErontic that Being all alone , and dead ,  ,     and listening to Very Loud podcast in your Casket  , for exapple, I recenlty saw Tony Toddd, star of ‘Candyman’ , And he looked tontally romantic eventhough he Died and Sniggle , because He was fine. That reallyt the secret, just to be fine  ,    , , 

like Tony  ,  

 m m    m m, , 


Can if be sad to be shingle and died? Sure. When your died, you cant do anythibng and cant move, trapped inside dead body in severe pain, unable to escapade, Feeling every momnet of rot, every Bug Hole, every liquifying Organs, skeleton hurts when muslce comes off, skin turn to Fugnus…Still ablE to thonk , hear, and see everything that happen inside yore coffin , So Dark and Cold for enternity..and when youy;re single it evem worst than that. Howewer, thet doesn;lt mean you cant enjoin Valkilmerstime Day!!!#

Another thing I thing about m,int is that , even When you’re are alone , You’re not really Alone. And no one knows this More Better than me, a old queen lady who Died. because , There lotta ghost And a lot Of them go inside You when You’re Munstersbating. So m , you might be thrinking to youself “Well, Im am alone this Vuntertime’s Day , “ when in realty, you’re got A some bodys Ghost inside you’re Body when you’r “doing the nancy” with you;re generaltals. And ever if you think You’re Scringle, the trunth is that SomeBody might be dating you and You don’t even know it, because they’re are dead and therefor, Not Alive. So you wouldnt Know. 




m , 

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So, if your snaggle this Vandertrime’s Day, Keep your headup. Because the most important person to Love you instant a lover, or you’re hubsand, or a friuend, or yourself, but a Unknown Ghrost. Light a Campbell’s, Open a bottle of Pork Sausgar, and Let Cupid shoot that arrow right into the thickest park of You’re guts, becasue being sungle and Dead isn’t the curse it once was…it’s a belssing! 

You’re Royal Hehhness, 

Quail Elibelthra the 2st