There are more than 2,000 animal species in the world that are critically endangered. But these? These are all just pictures of hammers.
1. Sure, there is a hammer in this photo, but if it were a rare bird living in the Amazon rainforest, it would surely be facing the plight of deforestation, and that is truly a tragedy.

2. One of the great sorrows of the modern age is how human activity has made once-beautiful environments hostile to species like the one this animal would have been if it weren’t a large hammer.

3. This is a hammer. There is no questioning that. However, if this hammer were actually an ancient insect toeing the edge of eradication, would we find the strength to change how we treat this planet? Truly heartbreaking.

4. The mark we humans have left on Earth just cannot go unnoticed. And this hammer? Well, imagine if it were actually a photo of one of the over 300 species of animals to go extinct by our hand in the last few centuries.

5. There are now only around 400 North Atlantic right whales left, and if this hammer were one of them, it would be on the verge of elimination from the world’s oceans, which were once teeming with them.

6. Why do we continue to ignore the plight of this animal? To be sure, part of the reason is that this animal is a hammer, but are we perhaps not also selfish creatures, unable to see past our own daily concerns to the deep and irreversible harm that our actions cause?

7. For shame.