The world races forward apace, with the U.S.A. leading the way! But don’t take our word for it; just direct your attention to these spectacular new snapshots of a nation…in motion. Roll on, Columbia!
Make way for the American businessman! When John Q. Public has somewhere to be, you can bet he’s getting there in grand style, maneuvering his state-of-the-art personal auto through modern traffic lanes regulated at varying rates of speed. Work hard today, John!

The veins and arteries of industry pulse with the vital blood of commerce, and what are the cells? The mighty locomotives, of course, zooming into the city center with incredible force, and always on time—yes sir, you can count on it!

Ahoy out there! Here’s one spacious jet-propelled watercraft with room for Mom, Dad, and Junior too. It’s a family machine of the deluxe class, departing from the harbor today on a mission of fun. All aboard!

Here we have a vessel that brings the future right down to today!

Well, now, what’s this curious contraption zipping up the avenue? Why, it’s a cheerful carriage of military marksmen on their way to the battlefront! At ease, men!

Pneumatic tubes. Spinning floors. Canine propulsion. The march of scientific progress has doubled man’s productive capacity and continues unabated. What sensational method of transport will the great minds conjure next? Whatever your answer, it’s a bright, wide country we live in today. And all of it is closer than you think!