With so many terrible things going on in the world nearly every day, sometimes you just need to read a story that you know will lift your spirits. If you’re feeling down and looking for something that’s guaranteed to make you smile, look no further, because an incredible group of volunteers have done something beyond inspiring: Make-A-Wish just surprised a kid who had a runny nose with an avocado, and we could not be more excited!
Looks like the good people at Make-A-Wish have outdone themselves again!
It’s a mild inconvenience when anyone comes down with a cold, but when Make-A-Wish heard that a 6-year-old had developed a runny nose and mild fever that threatened to claim the rest of his day, they knew they had to do something proportional to lift his spirits. Within minutes of hearing Skokie, Illinois, resident Travis Connoly’s mild story, a member from the foundation’s Illinois branch immediately dispatched a representative to the supermarket to buy him a single, non-organic Hass avocado.
Just 30 minutes later, after hearing someone ring his doorbell, the sort of sick kid who had captured the hearts of everyone at Make-A-Wish opened the door and was given something that would hopefully distract him from his runny nose for a few seconds: an avocado of his very own.
Wow! It’s truly incredible to see so many people come together and bring a boy with a cold an avocado. Just check out a photo of their incredible gift below!

And here’s more proof that Make-A-Wish is doing god’s work: After posing for a picture with Travis holding his new avocado, the charity’s representative crouched down and whispered into Travis’ ear that “the prizes get better if you get cancer. Way better. Think about it.”
Well, thanks to the incredible people at Make-A-Wish, a sick kid with a runny nose now has his very own, personal avocado. Needless to say, we can’t wait to see all the incredible things this generous organization does in the future, and we hope Travis gets well soon!