It’s the most famous patriotic anthem of all time, sung before every sporting event played in the ol’ US of A. If you’re an American, you’ve heard it thousands of times, but how well do you actually know the lyrics to The Star-Spangled Banner?
How Well Do You Know The Lyrics To 'The Star-Spangled Banner'?
O say,_________ /By the___________?
1. can you bleed; car that runs on blood
2. are you gay; light of the homosexual moon
3. will you take this horse bride to be your lawfully wedded wife; powers vested in me by the state of Oklahoma
4. something embarrassing about your penis; courtroom microphone
What so___________ /At _________________?
1. the toilet is on the ceiling; the world’s only bathroom
2. many man-sized slugs; Slugfest 2024
3. proudly we kiss our horse wife; Oklahoma City’s only horse-inclusive chapel
4. your penis turns blue; 6 p.m. sharp
Whose broad stripes and__________ /Through the perilous________
1. bright piss; Chris
2. huge stars that are somehow bigger than the flag; public flag critique
3. large teeth; Oklahoma loopholes that say if you marry the horse first it’s not bestiality
4. other shit; stuff
O'er the__________we watched/Were so gallantly____________?
1. Coach Season 4 DVD box sets; lacking bonus features
2. sports; sports
3. countless dark web horse love films; convincing that this was OK
4. low-res 6-second clips of the Lincoln Memorial coming to life and eating a tourist; removed by YouTube
And the_________red glare/The_________ bursting in air
1. President’s; fat guys
2. very hot calculators’; pelicans’ throat pouches
3. horse vagina’s; horse condoms
4. very faint, nearly imperceptible; disappointing lack of anything
Gave proof through the________ /That our flag was still__________
1. opening credits to The Sopranos; wet
2. Spencer’s Gifts dressing room; a pair of blood-soaked shorts
3. illegal underground horse chapel; an image of a horse riding a man
4. entire cave; a napkin with a smiling airplane drawn on it in marker
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet_____________?
1. honk
2. holler
3. act as a makeshift blanket for birthing a half horse/half human hybrid
4. drazzle
O'er the land of the_______ /and the home of the___________
1. malls; white guys
2. spangling; spangledness
3. horse; perfectly legal sexual relationship with it
4. homes; land