Since the start of his second term, Trump has taken countless unprecedented actions, including pardoning violent criminals who attacked police during the January 6th Capitol riot, publicly announcing the removal of security details from his enemies, and threatening to annex Canada. The world has been watching in horror and waiting for someone to rein him in, and now there’s some good news on that front: Congressional Democrats are already hard at work on a plan to take back the presidency in 2036.
Hell yes! It’s about time they show some spine and fight back!
While publicly Trump hasn’t received much pushback from Democrats, behind the scenes, sources say they are discussing their nuclear option: thinking about starting to pencil in a plan to take back the executive branch in 2036. According to insiders familiar with Democrats’ current strategy, Dems who are “outraged” at Trump’s unhinged efforts to dismantle our government and isolate the U.S. from our allies are prepared to start working on taking action to build a potential strategy to attempt to take back the presidency in 2036 or, if that doesn’t work out, 2044.
One staffer, who spoke under conditions of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the subject, said, “I’m hearing whispers from Democrats that they would like to win a presidential election, possibly as soon as 2036, and depending on how that goes, they may even want to take back one or even both houses of Congress, maybe even by 2048. Word around Washington is that everything is on the table to stop Trump: Lip sync battles, appearing on Funny or Die, Liz Cheney…anything to put an end to Trump’s fascist takeover of the government in around 15-20 years’ time.”
Damn. Sounds like the gloves are off!
So if you’re losing sleep over Trump’s chaotic second term, rest assured that the Democrats are considering getting ready to try their best to swing the pendulum back the other way in 2036. It might be a frightening time, but just hang in there and trust that behind closed doors, Democrats are just as frightened as you are of Trump’s seemingly unchecked power, and are seriously considering wondering if they should get ready to possibly do something about it sometime soon.