If you’re a stressed-out mom or dad, check this out, because it might be just the relief you’re looking for. Parents are flocking to a new, one-of-a-kind support group designed to help them deal with stress in an innovative way: drawing unflattering portraits of their kids completely without judgment.
The group is called Drawing Out, and while it started out as a small informal meeting of like-minded parents in Oakland, CA, it’s really starting to draw a crowd.
“For years, I was sketching my children in a highly critical, ghoulish manner privately, and so were many parents in my community. But we all kept it a secret,” said the group’s creator, Martha Howell. “So I got to thinking, why can’t there be a place where parents can draw their kid with a jagged nose or a grotesque overbite together without shame? When we met for the first class, I knew we were on to something. It was truly magical.”
Just check out some of the incredibly harsh portraits that parents in the group have been able to draw of their kids:

“As a parent, I never had a place where I could openly draw my kids with cold sores around their mouths or one huge, horrible ear,” said a Drawing Out group member. “I love my Jason with all my heart, but sometimes you just want to bang out a rough sketch of your kid without worrying about their neck being proportional to their head, or them having eyes. It’s so comforting to finally have a safe place to do this where it isn’t frowned upon—it’s actually encouraged.”
Very cool! With the success this group is having, there’s no doubt more will start popping up all over the country soon. If you’re a parent, what do you think? Are you looking for a place where you can draw your kids with whatever facial flaws and deformities you’d like in a supportive environment? Let us know in the comments!