Think you’re a big eater? Why not try taking some of these eating challenges on for size?
1. Fresh-Mex, Los Angeles

Want to win free lunch for a year? This taqueria requires you to eat 40 tacos in an hour, plus the stopwatch used to keep time. Intense!
2. Barron’s Burgers, Atlanta

It isn’t easy to get your photo on this burger joint’s wall of fame. To earn that right, you have to help a cow give birth, raise the newborn calf to adulthood, butcher it into a one-pound burger, then cook and eat it with all the fixins’.
3. Seoul BBQ Truck, Miami

Eating their large bucket of crispy Korean chicken all by yourself is hard enough. But this food truck ups the ante by tying a rope around your waist and dragging you down the highway at 55 miles per hour while you chow down.
4. Dioli’s Pizza, Chicago

Eating a whole deep-dish pizza by yourself might seem impossible, but it’s worth it to become mayor of Chicago. The city forgoes elections in favor of letting the Dioli’s pizza challenge pick its civic leaders.
5. Levi’s Store, Mall Of America

Make your trip a memorable one by feasting at the Levi’s store. If you can finish your entire pair of jeans, you eat free!
6. Nathan’s Hot Dog Challenge, New York

You’ve heard of their annual July 4th hot dog eating contest in Coney Island. But if you’re looking for something a little easier, try their year-round challenge to eat just one hot dog and one live seagull.
7. Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Scramble

Do you scream for ice cream? Jump behind the counter at any Ben & Jerry’s location and see how much you can eat before the cops arrive!