Whether you’ve got a special someone or you’re flying solo this February 14, this article should give everyone exactly what they need.
Are you single for V-Day? Are you taken? Either way, this comprehensive article will fully validate you!

Yup. No matter who you are, there’s something here to reinforce your preexisting pessimism or optimism about the holiday. And on top of that, it’ll also make everyone else’s feelings seem dead wrong!

Look familiar? If you’re single, this is an incredible, delicious way to spend February 14!

Or if you’re in a relationship, you’re proud to say you’ll never do this again:


Yes. This article says exactly what you want to hear, when you want to hear it.

So all the single ladies put your hands up! Take a second to reward yourself, because there’s literally nothing better than flying solo. When you’re single on Valentine’s Day, there’s none of this…

(People in relationships—disregard.)

(People in relationships—disregard.)
…or this:

(People in relationships—disregard.)
And if you’re in a relationship, just ignore those last three things! Single people are needy and crazy on Valentine’s Day, and yeah, your night will be busy, but that’s exactly what you want. Plus, you’re not doing this…

(Single people—see former 3.)
…or this. No, because you’re in a relationship, and that’s the only way to do Valentine’s Day.

(Single people—see former 3.)
No matter your situation, this is you:

And this is everyone else:


Awesome! That should be plenty. If you still need more validation, though, just look around—your worldview should be supported almost everywhere this time of year. Now, go out there and have the Valentine’s Day you’ve convinced yourself you deserve!