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How Many Of Jesus’s Uninspiring Nicknames Before He Settled On ‘The Son Of God’ Do You Remember?

Nowadays, everyone refers to Jesus Christ by his famous nickname “The Son Of God,” but when he was first starting out he experimented with a bunch of different nicknames just to see which ones stuck. How many of Jesus’s uninspiring nicknames before he settled on “The Son Of God” do you remember? Take this quiz to find out!

How Many Of Jesus’s Uninspiring Nicknames Before He Settled On ‘The Son Of God’ Do You Remember?

How many of these nicknames do you remember?

1. DJ Water2Wine
2. Windy Jeff
3. Jesus “Butterbean” Christ
4. The German With The Sermon
5. Mr. Virgin
6. Fatboy Slim
7. Doug C. Mayfield Jr.
8. The Wifeless Freak
9. The Dad Of God
10. Judas Iscariot
11. The Magnificent Chemist
12. The Sultan Of Sin
13. GinGuzzler9000
14. The Messiah Formerly Known As GinGuzzler9000
15. Elbow Room
16. The Sermon Junkie
17. The Peace-And-Love Blabbermouth
18. Poindexter
19. The Baptized Lunatic
20. Nun’s Delight
21. The Celi-bastard
22. The Unkillable Mr. J
23. The People’s Pornographer
24. Skinny Fred Flintstone
25. The Elvis Of Dying
27. Paul’s Friend Jesus
28. Paul’s Friend Paul
29. Paul’s Enemy Paul
30. The Bitch Who Likes Heaven

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How Many Of Jesus’s Uninspiring Nicknames Before He Settled On ‘The Son Of God’ Do You Remember?

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