The world is full of mysteries: Why are we here? Are we alone in the universe? How is it so convenient that these pictures of Ford vehicles look so perfect and natural when they’re completely surrounded by a website’s content about the very theme of traveling the open road?
1. This Ford Fusion Energi is just what you need for your summer, just like traveling, iced tea, beach days, strategic content marketing, and watermelon. Amazing.

2. Upon thinking “road trip,” you immediately think “car.” You literally cannot go on a road trip without a car. This Ford Fusion picture is reinforcing the association your mind already makes. It’s a pretty simple psychological process, and it works. That’s what’s going on here.

3. Crazy coincidence! This photo of a Ford Fiesta looks so comfy in this list that it almost seems like it was taken for the express purpose of being used in advertising material. Does this list count as advertising material? Who knows, but that’d be simply wild!

4. These words accompany a very large picture of a Ford C-Max Hybrid. Based on that alone, they feel important and like they belong here. You wouldn’t scroll past them. You’re on board now, no matter what.

5. When you think about it, all advertising is native advertising, in the imperialist sense of the word. It muscles its way in, displacing the content that naturally existed on the page, and assumes its place. This is the adventure of targeted marketing; the exploration of sponsored content; the “road trip” of advertising, if you will. Seeing the Ford Focus here, assuming the domain of this page like a native, you recognize that it belongs right in this place, forever.

Are you hitting the highways this summer? Do you, for some reason, associate such trips with Ford vehicles? Learn more about Ford’s latest models here.