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“Holp I Thank Am Addictaed To Intertent”: 10 Years Of Queen Elizabeth II

In honor of ClickHole’s 10th anniversary, we have compiled some of our most viral content from years past. Over the years, we have had the privilege of publishing many guest blogs by Queen Elizabeth II. Here are a few of her best posts.


I Maybe Be Died, But My LEgacty Will Live On Insode Computetr” (by Queen Elizabeth II)


Holp I Thank Am Addictaed To Intertent (By Queen Elizabeth II)


I Am Jealous Of ,THe Homless (By Queen Elizabeth II)


A Genfle Remeing=er To Be Clond (By Queen Elizabeth II)


Just Becaufe You’r Old Doesnt Mean You Automantically Like Other Old Peoaple (By Queen Elizabeth II)


In 1950 We Had Gornilla Who Live In Palnace I Wonder Whare He Goed Porbably Dead I Supponse (By Queen Elizabeth II)


Wondruful I Just foumd Proncess Diano Skleneton Isnade A Suit Or Amror (By Queen Elizabeth II) 


I No Lenger Miiss My Diedhubsand (by Queen Elizabeth II)


Helpo! I Have Writtem Shortstory About The Animal Clums , (By Queen Elizabeth II)


Nothingdiffernt Bewtween Being Alive And Bring Dead, (By Queen Elizabeth II)